Daterra Farm is an innovator of the first rank. Its owner, Luis Pascoal, never sits on his laurels (and he sure has many!) but is clearly driven to improve everything in his compass, from quality of product to company morale and communication. His was the first farm in the world to package green coffee in vacuum sealed bags (2003), a critical quality innovation making the preservation of fine coffees' aromatics over oceanic shipments and subsequent storage far more controlled.
I strongly recommend reading Klaus Thomsen's great report on Daterra. Klaus is the 2006 Would Champion Barista and is co-owner of The Coffee Collective in Copenhagen, Denmark. Our visits intersected and he is seen in several of my shots. Klaus was there longer than I and his writing, accompanied by some great photos, gives an excellent description of Daterra and its leader, Luis Pascoal, who does not just run Daterra - a full occupation by itself! His article can be seen here. It is in three parts.
I think my captioned photo tour is quite complementary to his outstanding blog. I see no reason to repeat in my photo stream what Klaus presents, for the most part.
This was a twenty-four hour speed course over a huge very complex great farm. There simply was not enough time to see more than basics - with great details nevertheless springing up all over the place, some of which I was lucky to capture on film. I hope you enjoy the tour and find the captions helpful. Enjoy!