Aeropress | Single Serve Brewer
brew time:1 minute 45 seconds
dose: 17-21 grams
grind: drip-fine
filtered water: 260 grams 201-205° F
Simply follow the steps below!
• one 8oz cup or 235 grams
• aeropress
• aeropress filter
• burr grinder
• pouring kettle
• digital scale
• timer
• stirring device
• mug
1. Fill pouring kettle with hot water. Place paper filter in cap, rinse, and attach to Aeropress.
2. Weigh coffee to desired strength (17-21 grams) and grind.
3. Use the funnel to transfer coffee into Aeropress. Place on a mug, or server, and put on a scale.
4. Start your timer and pour 260g of water in 25 seconds (to the ‘4’ mark). Remove mug, with Aeropress, from the scale.
5. At 35 seconds, stir for 5 seconds.
6. At 45 seconds, place the plunger on top and slowly press for 1 minute.
7. When the coffee bed looks dry, and nearly all the water is pushed out, ease up on your pressure.
8. Remove the Aeropress, open the cap, and push out the coffee grounds to clean up. Serve.
Brewing Tip
When pressing out the Aeropress, do not force the plunger down. A slow, steady press out is the key to a clean cup that is free of sediment. When nearing the end, and you can see coffee grounds, ease up on the pressure and stop when you hear a faint hissing noise. Do not push the plunger all the way down. There should be an air space of a couple inches between the plunger and the coffee.
Grind Tips
GRIND TIP NO. 1: If it is too hard to press out, your grind is probably too fine. If it is too easy, your grind is too coarse.
GRIND TIP NO. 2: All grinders will produce a mix of course and fine particles – none are perfect, however, burr grinders produce far more uniformity. If your resulting cup is too strong and/or bitter, adjust your grind slightly coarser. If it is too weak and/or sour, adjust slightly finer.