Hario V60-02
brew time: 3 minutes 30 seconds
dose:25-28 grams
water:390 grams 201-205° F
Simply follow the steps below!
• one 12oz cup or 340 grams
• hario v60-02
• filters
• burr grinder
• pouring kettle
• digital scaletimer
• server
ONE: Put a filter in the V60 cone, and place on top of a server.
TWO: Fill pouring kettle with hot water and rinse filter until you feel heat on the outside of the cone, discard water from both.
THREE: Weigh coffee to desired strength (25-28 grams) and grind.
FOUR: Place the V60 with server on a scale. Add coffee, shake to level the coffee bed, zero the scale, and fill the pouring kettle with hot water.
FIVE: Start timer and your pour at the same time.
SIX: Pouring will be split into six separate pours of 65g of water in 15 seconds*, and allowing to drain for 15 seconds in between each pour.
SEVEN: Start each pour in the center, work your way out and then back to the center, in concentric circles.
EIGHT: Coffee should finish draining around 3:30. Remove the V60. Serve.
Brewing Tip
When pouring, you should look for dark spots on the surface of the slurry. Target your pour to submerge these spots which will ensure that all the coffee in the cone is saturated.
Grind Tip
All grinders will produce a mix of course and fine particles – none are perfect, however, burr grinders produce far more uniformity. If your
resulting cup is too strong and/or bitter, adjust your grind slightly coarser. If it is too weak and/or sour, adjust slightly finer.
Pouring Timeline
0:00 - 0:15 - pour to 65g
0:30 - 0:45 - pour to 130g
1:00 - 1:15 - pour to 195g
1:30 - 1:45 - pour to 260g
2:00 - 2:15 - pour to 325g
2:30 - 2:45 - pour to 390g